
Hepatic failure is characterized by symptoms and alterations of some of the hematochemical parameters.Hepatic failure, generally, is slow and progressive, but sometimes can be acute.

Jetepar is indicated in every kind of hepatic failure because of a complete mechanism of action.


Acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholestasis due to biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hyperbilirubinemia, Toxic-metabolic hepatopathy dute to abuse of alcohol or smoking, contaminated food or imbalanced nutrition, infective disease, chronic constipation, environmental pollution, drugs.

Dosage and administration

In acute intoxications and in more severe syndromes: ampoules of 10ml, 1-5 daily, for i.v. injection or infusion.

In less severe disorders and maintenance therapy: ampoules of 2ml , 1-2 daily i.m., for 2 weeks or longer. Capsules , 2 capsules t.i.d., for 2 weeks or longer. Syrup 2-6 teaspoons daily, for 2 weeks or longer.


6 to 12 years old: 1 teaspoon of syrup 3-4 times daily, for 2 weeks or longer. 3 to 6 years old: ½ teaspoon of syrup 3-4 times daily, for 2 weeks or longer.


The injectable solution of Jetepar is compatible with other injectable solutions commonly used. Jetepar can be combined with other drugs because no drug interaction has so far been reported. Jetepar has no contraindications.


Seldom were allergic skin reactions reported after parenteral administration. In such cases Jetepar should be administered by oral route.

Ampoules of 2 ml for intramuscular injection

1 ampoule contains: Glucometamine (betaine glucuronate) 150 mg – Glucodiamine(diethanolamine glucuronate) 40 mg- Nicotinamide ascorbate 20 mg. Box of 10 ampoules.

Ampoules of 10 ml for intravenous injection

1 ampoule contains: Glucometamine (betaine glucuronate) 750 mg – Glucodiamine(diethanolamine glucuronate) 200mg- Nicotinamide ascorbate 100 mg. Box of 5 ampoules.


1 capsule contains: Glucometamine (betaine glucuronate) 150mg – Glucodiamine (diethanolamine glucuronate) 30mg – Niccotinamide ascorbate 20mg. Box of 80 capsules.


100 ml contain: Glucometamine (betaine glucuronate) 3700 mg –Glucodiamine (dietholamine glucuronate) 1000 mg- Nicotinamide ascorbate 500 mg. Bottle of 150 ml syrup.
